1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Christina Hoff Sommers: "Ada teori di balik budaya korban: Itu disebut...

"Ada teori di balik budaya korban: Itu disebut "intersectionality." Teori ini berpendapat bahwa rasisme, seksisme, klasisisme, kemampuan, dll saling berhubungan, tumpang tindih, dan saling menguatkan. Bersama-sama mereka membentuk "matriks penindasan.""

--- Christina Hoff Sommers

Versi Bahasa Inggris

There is a theory behind the culture of victimhood: It's called "intersectionality." This theory posits that racism, sexism, classism, ableism, etc. are interconnected, overlapping, and mutually reinforcing. Together they form a "matrix of oppression."