1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Cormac McCarthy: "Mereka berjalan keluar menyapu pantai bulan sabit, m...

"Mereka berjalan keluar menyapu pantai bulan sabit, menjaga pasir yang lebih kencang di bawah gelombang. Mereka berdiri, pakaian mereka mengepak pelan. Kaca mengapung tertutup kerak abu-abu. Tulang burung laut. Di tideline, tikar anyaman gulma dan iga ikan dalam jutaan mereka membentang di sepanjang pantai sejauh mata memandang seperti isocline of death. Satu kuburan garam besar. Bodoh. Bodoh."

--- Cormac McCarthy

Versi Bahasa Inggris

They trekked out along the crescent sweep of beach, keeping to the firmer sand below the tidewrack. They stood, their clothes flapping softly. Glass floats covered with a gray crust. The bones of seabirds. At the tideline a woven mat of weeds and the ribs of fishes in their millions stretching along the shore as far as the eye could see like an isocline of death. One vast salt sepulchre. Senseless. Senseless.