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Donald Trump: "Saya tidak bullish. Saya pikir mereka [Iran] sangat tid...

"Saya tidak bullish. Saya pikir mereka [Iran] sangat tidak menghargai negara kami dan saya mengerti kesepakatan itu. Saya akan hidup dengan itu jika mereka berkata "OK, semuanya bersama sekarang," tapi itu justru sebaliknya. Sepertinya mereka berani. Mereka mengikuti pesawat kami, mereka mengelilingi kapal kami dengan kapal kecil mereka dan mereka kehilangan rasa hormat karena mereka tidak percaya ada yang bisa sebodoh itu membuat kesepakatan seperti itu."

--- Donald Trump

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I'm not bullish. I think they [Iran] have total disrespect for our country and I understand that deal. I would have lived with it if they said "OK, were all together now," but it's just the opposite. It's like they're emboldened. They follow our planes, they circle our ships with their little boats and they lost respect because they can't believe anybody could be so stupid as to make a deal like that.