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Jabra Ibrahim Jabra: "Mereka [orang Arab] ingin mengejar ketinggalan d...

"Mereka [orang Arab] ingin mengejar ketinggalan dengan dunia modern. Barat menghargai itu, tetapi lebih tertarik pada koloni, pasar, dan wilayah pengaruh. Begitulah cara kekuatan-kekuatan historis beroperasi: memberi dan menerima antar negara, seperti antar budaya, bukanlah pertukaran sederhana"

--- Jabra Ibrahim Jabra

Versi Bahasa Inggris

They [Arabs] wanted to catch up with the modern world. The West appreciated that, but was more interested in colonies, markets, and spheres of influence. Such is the way in which historical forces operate: the give and take between nations, as between cultures, is no simple exchange