1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Laura Poitras: "Saya berkorespondensi dengan sumber anonim selama seki...

"Saya berkorespondensi dengan sumber anonim selama sekitar lima bulan dan dalam proses mengembangkan dialog Anda membangun ide, tentu saja, tentang siapa orang itu. Ide saya adalah dia berusia akhir empat puluhan, awal lima puluhan. Saya pikir dia pasti generasi internet karena dia super tech-savvy, tapi saya pikir, mengingat tingkat akses dan informasi yang dia bisa diskusikan, dia harus lebih tua."

--- Laura Poitras

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I was in correspondence with an anonymous source for about five months and in the process of developing a dialogue you build ideas, of course, about who that person might be. My idea was that he was in his late forties, early fifties. I figured he must be Internet generation because he was super tech-savvy, but I thought that, given the level of access and information he was able to discuss, he had to be older.