1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Michael Ondaatje: "Nicholas Temelcoff terkenal di jembatan, pemberani....

"Nicholas Temelcoff terkenal di jembatan, pemberani. Dia diberikan semua pekerjaan yang sulit dan dia mengambilnya. Dia turun ke udara tanpa rasa takut. Ia seorang diri. Dia memasang tali, menyikat gagang dan katrol di pinggangnya, dan jatuh dari jembatan seperti penyelam di tepi perahu."

--- Michael Ondaatje

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Nicholas Temelcoff is famous on the bridge, a daredevil. He is given all the difficult jobs and he takes them. He descends into the air with no fear. He is a solitary. He assembles ropes, brushes the tackle and pulley at his waist, and falls off the bridge like a diver over the edge of a boat.